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Basic Fridge Essentials to Keep on Hand

Keep these basic fridge essentials on hand to help make meal planning easier and encourage healthier eating.

Are you trying to eat out less for budget or other reasons? If so, keeping a few essentials on hand in your fridge and pantry can help you be more likely to make meals at home.

  1. Fresh fruits and vegetables. I consider carrots and celery basic because they are good to eat raw, but also because they are primary ingredients for a lot of recipes that I use. I also tend to have broccoli and various lettuces most of the time. Those are the vegetables we tend to eat a lot. But you customize this for what you know you will eat. As far as fruits, I try to buy what’s in season, but I almost always have apples and oranges. Remember to watch for veggies that are on sale and then try to use them in multiple recipes for the week.
  2. Frozen fruits and vegetables. If you are worried that you won’t eat fresh fruits and vegetables before they go bad, frozen is the next best thing. Frozen vegetables are inexpensive and can be used for in so many different ways. Stock your freezer with them! Frozen fruits are perfect for smoothies – or to just eat right out of the freezer! I eat frozen blueberries multiple times a week.
  3. Cheese. Obviously, if you can’t handle dairy, look for alternatives. But I always have cheddar, parmesan and mozzarella in my fridge. The possibilities are endless.
  4. Milk or Dairy Free Milk Alternative. My household doesn’t really eat cereal, but I use milk for various recipes, smoothies, etc.
  5. Eggs. Often, when I don’t know what I can make for dinner, an omelette or frittata is a go to recipe. Pair with a salad and/or a slice of toast and dinner is served. Also, you can throw in any vegetables or cheese that you need to use up. Win win!
  6. Condiments. Hummus mustard, mayo, jams and preserves are all things that can spice up lots of recipes.
  7. Greek yogurt. This is a great way to get in some probiotics. It can go in smoothies, add some spices to it to make a dip for veggies or chips, and it’s a good base for a lot of sauces or dressings.

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    How to get started with Meal Planning - Mama Palma
    July 12, 2022 at 4:30 pm

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